0400 661 778 shane@innovativeverandahs.com.au Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm

Something we’ve noticed over the years at Innovative Verandahs is that a lot of people are unsure about the differences between attached and freestanding verandahs. While both provide an area for outdoor entertaining and relaxing, there are significant differences to look out for.

When it comes to deciding which option is better suited to your home and family’s needs, these considerations need to be taken into account. In this blog, we’ll run you through the differences between each and what we recommend you opt for when designing your ideal outdoor space. Keep reading to learn more.

What is an attached verandah?

The name is pretty self-explanatory – an attached verandah simply refers to a verandah that is attached to an existing structure, like your home. This is an outdoor feature found in most Australian houses, either at the front, side or back of the home. Attached verandahs can be customised to suit the shape or size of your back or front yard. With a roof that extends from the home outwards, they provide protection from the elements while still allowing you to enjoy the outdoors.

One aspect of an attached verandah many clients don’t consider is affixing a new verandah to an existing home and the impact of this on costs. If your house has a steel frame for instance, your house may need to be reinforced, which will cost an additional fee. For more information on how much it costs to install an attached verandah, download our free How Much guide.

What is a freestanding verandah?

Nowadays, we’re seeing more and more homes built with different materials as opposed to the traditional brick. These materials, including hebel panels, are not suited to an attached verandah so in these circumstances, we suggest opting for a freestanding verandah. A freestanding verandah offers you the flexibility to place it wherever you wish on your property. They are also more versatile and can be custom designed to a range of different shapes and sizes.

A freestanding verandah require a frame around the perimeter and extra posts, which can end up costing more than an attached verandah. Freestanding verandahs also often require a building permit from your local council. For more information on how much it will cost to install a freestanding verandah in your home, download our free How Much guide.

What should you choose?

Attached and freestanding verandahs each have plenty of pros and cons. It really comes down to personal preferences and your budget. You should think about what you want to use your verandah for and how it will elevate your home. If you’re looking for a spacious area to entertain guests for instance, a freestanding verandah gives the flexibility to make your space as big as you wish. On the other hand, an attached verandah can help lower temperatures inside your home during the hotter months, lessening your energy bills.

Regardless, a good quality verandah of any kind will add immense value to your home, as well as providing a setting for endless memories with family and friends. If you’re ready to install a verandah in your home and want to chat about what option will best suit your space, get in touch with the team at Innovative Verandahs today.

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