0400 661 778 shane@innovativeverandahs.com.au Monday - Friday: 9am - 4pm
Take Control of Melbourne’s Unpredictable Weather

Take Control of Melbourne’s Unpredictable Weather

Be in control of Melbourne’s unpredictable weather by installing an innovative Outback Sunroof by Stratco. These stylish and durable designs are popular amongst our clients, giving you the ability to open your roof at a click of a button. With the freedom to both open...
Our Handy Guide

Our Handy Guide

Creating a seamless transition between your indoor and outdoor living spaces is easier than you think! We’ve created a handy guide that provides expert tips and insights on how to achieve stunning and beautiful outdoor living spaces. To learn more, give us a call on...
How to Protect Your Outdoor Living Spaces

How to Protect Your Outdoor Living Spaces

There are a variety of ways to protect your outdoor living spaces from the elements without fully enclosing the area. Protection from the elements can include PVC blinds to act as a wind break ready to be lifted on summer days, making your outdoor living area the...
The Final Touch to your Home

The Final Touch to your Home

The best part of home improvement is putting the final touches to make your home unique to YOU. And the same should be the same for your outdoor living area! Adding natural elements to your al fresco dining area creates a nice and seamless transition between the...
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